used car price comparison domain for sale

Federal trademark #

is a Federal trademark targeted high traffic web domain for sale.  Consumers worldwide looking for used car price information come to this easy to remember domain.  The domain sale includes the US Federal Trademark

The Used Car wholesale market works on “bid -ask” price basis just like the stock market.  Wholesale used car prices from auctions are not public. These prices are only available to used car dealers at dealer only car wholesale auctions.

SelectCar is a work in progress web site. It was developed to be “as sold” price  price comparison site.  Meaning the actual transaction price as reported to DMV.  Prices would be displayed by web sub-domain.  For example, Ford prices will be shown using the URL

Selectcar started as a “no haggle” fixed price, physical (bricks/mortar) used car dealer.   Local banks used SelectCar fixed price inventory to validate inventory value for other used car dealer dealer floor plans.  Consumers checked the SelectCar web site and the physical lot to determine a fair trade in value of their car.

We believe actual “as sold” used car price data has value.  Web sites post the “asking price”.  The actual recorded price used to calculate state sales tax has the most value (circle r) is a registered federal trademark for an on-line Automobile Dealership Services. The trademark included as part of domain sale. Federal trademark Federal trademark

updated march 2017
